Daily Archives: May 13, 2024

2024-05-13: News Headlines

Mitchell Plitnick, Mondoweiss. (2024-05-13). Biden's Shifting 'Red Line' Allows Israel To Keep Getting Away With Murder. popularresistance.org Over the seven months of Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza, the United States has worked vigorously to offer maximum support for Israel while trying to give the impression that it is concerned about the massive loss of Palestinian life. The performance has been difficult to maintain, as virtually every American action contradicts the occasional words of concern for the devastation being fully abetted and enabled by American policy. | In recent weeks, political pressures have forced President Joe Biden to try to take more concrete steps to deter what he considers "excessive" Israeli actions.

WSWS (2024-05-13). On behalf of Biden administration, UAW bureaucracy and DSA struggle to contain anti-war sentiment. wsws.org In recent weeks, the Democratic Party has come to rely increasingly on the UAW bureaucracy and Democratic Socialists of America to protect Joe Biden, insulate his re-election campaign from growing hostility to the genocide in Gaza, and keep weapons flowing both to Israel and to Ukraine in the US-NATO war against Russia.

WSWS (2024-05-13). Democrats and Republicans: US enablers of Israeli onslaught on Rafah. wsws.org While the two corporate parties pretend to have major policy differences over the Gaza genocide, they have joined forces to provide record US support for the Israeli military.

Giorgos Mitralias (2024-05-13). What are Greek Students Waiting For? counterpunch.org As the student movement in solidarity with the Palestinians and denunciation of their genocide by Israel intensifies in the United States and now spreads across the planet, there are growing indications that it is succeeding in influencing the central balance of forces while it is being recognized as a major factor in international developments of decisive importance! Thus, Washington's "sudden" distancing of itself from the Netanyahu government, which followed (or perhaps…preceded) Hamas' acceptance of the Qatar-Egypt peace plan, is mainly attributed to the asphyxiating pressure exerted on President Biden and…

Rise, Resist (2024-05-13). Demonstrators Shout NO to Genocide Joe Outside President's Palo Alto Fundraiser. indybay.org Biden attended a reception at the Palo Alto home of former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and her husband DCVC Co-founder Zack Bogue today. Heavy police presence kept a large number of Pro-Palestine demonstrators and about a dozen zionists with Israeli flags mostly apart when both sides showed up near the reception.

albawaba (2024-05-13). Blinken: We don't have 'Red Lines' on Israel. albawaba.com ALBAWABA – US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently said in an interview that he takes a flexible approach to Israel's activities, especially when it comes to the current crisis in Rafah. He reiterated President Biden's resolute attitude on the subject and stressed the Biden administration's opposition to a major Israeli attack in Rafah.Blinken highlighted concerns about the potentially disastrous effects of an attack on Rafah, which is home to a sizable civilian population of Palestinians, emphasizing the need for Israel to have a solid strategy before moving forward with such measures.While acknowledging t…

Staff (2024-05-13). Massive demonstrations take place in Europe in support of Gaza. defenddemocracy.press The Netherlands, Sweden, France, Germany, and Italy all witnessed massive pro-Palestine protests condemning the Israeli war on Gaza. May 11, 2024 Activists organized demonstrations in support of Palestine across major cities around the world as protests condemning the Israeli war on Gaza took over European cities in parallel with the ongoing pro-Palestine protests at universities. …

newleftreview (2024-05-13). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Staff (2024-05-13). CNN exposes horrible Israeli torture methods on Palestinian detainees. defenddemocracy.press According to the whistleblowers, the beatings inflicted upon detainees were said to be done out of spite and not intended for intelligence gathering. May 10, 2024 Three Israeli whistleblowers working at the Sde Teiman torture camp, a "holding" site for Palestinians abducted during "Israel's" invasion of Gaza, have come forward with testimonies of systemic abuses …

Ana Perdigón (2024-05-13). Venezuela's Interior Minister Denounces Terrorist Attack Near CNE Warehouses. orinocotribune.com The Venezuelan minister for interior, justice and peace, Remigio Ceballos, denounced an act of terrorism and sabotage perpetrated a few meters from the warehouses of the National Electoral Council (CNE), located in Filas de Mariche, Miranda state. | Through a video posted via social media on Saturday, May 11, Ceballos reported that a fire was started just 120 meters from the CNE warehouses, which is a security zone. | In the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for July 28, President Nicolás Maduro is the clear favorite according to polls and street mobilizations, representing an enormous challenge for the V…

Staff (2024-05-13). Torture, executions, and live burials: UN experts on Gaza mass graves. defenddemocracy.press The UN experts are urging the occupation to end its aggression against Gaza, demanding that the states who arm it end the export of weapons "immediately". May 6, 2024 UN experts have once again lambasted the ongoing and systematic aggression against Palestinians in Gaza, expressing they are horrified at details surrounding mass graves that have …

Mel Gurtov (2024-05-13). Mutual Backtracking in US-China Student Exchanges. counterpunch.org In recent talks between US and Chinese leaders, they have found common ground in support for more people-to-people exchanges, particularly in education. Presidents Biden and Xi both mentioned the importance of these exchanges at their last summit meeting, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during his April trip to China, gave a talk to American

Jane Braxton Little (2024-05-13). Local Newspapers Are Lifelines for Climate-Disaster Communities. counterpunch.org When wildfires began erupting in the Texas Panhandle in February, Laurie Ezzell Brown, the editor and publisher of the Canadian Record, was in Houston on a panel discussing ways in which losing local newspapers represents a danger to democracy. Running the once-a-week Record from the Panhandle town of Canadian, she certainly knew something about the rise of "news

Nick Licata (2024-05-13). Banning TikTok: National Security, Civil Rights & Investments. counterpunch.org In the last week of April, Congress passed, and President Biden signed, a law banning TikTok in the United States if its parent company, ByteDance, did not sell it to an American company within 12 months. The New York Times Senior writer David Leonhardt provides a good summary of why this bill was passed. It is a

geo.tv (2024-05-13). Dark side of First Lady Jill Biden revealed. geo.tv Joe Biden seeking reelection facing Donald Trump in November…

geo.tv (2024-05-13). India elections: Fourth phase of polling begins as religious fault lines deepen. geo.tv 117 million voters to take part in polling for 96 seats in 10 states and territories…

Staff (2024-05-13). Galloway's Workers Party to stand candidates everywhere in challenge to Labour. defenddemocracy.press Apr. 30, 2024 THE Workers Party will challenge Labour in almost every English seat at the general election, its leader George Galloway announced today. Among the party's standard bearers will be former England cricketer Monty Panesar, who will stand in the Southall seat in west London. Unveiling the largest left-of-Labour electoral challenge in history, Mr …

Staff (2024-05-13). Dominic Cummings: Zelenskyy's no Churchill and Ukraine's corrupt. defenddemocracy.press Former Brexit campaign chief says the West is 'getting f**ked' by supporting Ukraine. By Noah Keate May 9, 2024 Boris Johnson's former top adviser Dominic Cummings launched a sweary attack on Western support for Ukraine Thursday. In an interview with the i newspaper, Cummings — who led Britain's Vote Leave Brexit campaign and spectacularly fell …

unitedEditor (2024-05-13). "Our struggle is neither a colored revolution nor an attempt of separatism." uwidata.com Aydƒ±nlƒ±k newspaper and Ulusal Kanal TV channel from Türkiye met with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Foreign Minister Mohamed Sidati. Sidati answered questions of journalists Kƒ±vanàß àñzdal and Ali Rƒ±za Ta≈üdelen at the Boujdour Refugee Camp of the Polisario Front on the border of Algeria and Western Sahara. From Spanish colonialism to Moroccan occupation Kƒ±vanàß àñzdal: …

WSWS (2024-05-13). Sri Lankan workers enthusiastically support SEP's party development campaign. wsws.org Sri Lankan workers and youth have strongly backed the Socialist Equality Party while denouncing government's attempts to block independent and socialist candidates from participating in forthcoming elections.

Zita Zage (2024-05-13). Young voters share their expectations ahead of South African elections. globalvoices.org '… [I]t is time for the youth to start taking an active role in politics' Global Voices Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) voting station. ecns.cn (2024-05-12). 10,000-metric ton-class river-sea vessel completes maiden voyage to Chongqing. ecns.cn The Innovation 5 vessel arrives at Jiangjin Luohuang Port in Chongqing Municipality, becoming the first ship of its size to sail into the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, May 11, 2024.

ecns.cn (2024-05-13). 20 Siberian tigers found dead at privately-owned zoo in China. ecns.cn Twenty Siberian tigers, first-class national protected species in China, two African lions, three giraffes, and other precious wildlife were reported to have died in the Fuyang Wildlife Park, a privately-owned zoo in east China's Anhui province due to a dispute over the park's operating rights, according to an investigation released by China Philanthropist on Monday.

ecns.cn (2024-05-13). 10,000-metric ton-class river-sea vessel completes maiden voyage to Chongqing. ecns.cn The Innovation 5 vessel arrives at Jiangjin Luohuang Port in Chongqing Municipality, becoming the first ship of its size to sail into the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, May 11, 2024.

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-13). A Manifesto for upholding human rights in the European Union. fidh.org At a time when democracy, the rule of law, and freedoms are under threat in the Union, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organisations are launching a Manifesto for human rights aimed at the candidates for the upcoming European elections in June. The goal? To urge them to commit to 10 priorities to uphold human rights during their next mandate.
| The Manifesto is available in several languages and is currently being translated into numerous European (…) | – |

nosihle (2024-05-13). MDDA partners with media for elections training. sanews.gov.za MDDA partners with media for elections training | In preparation for the 2024 National Elections, the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) has collaborated with the Electoral Commission (IEC) for the past year to implement a training programme for the community media sector to improve their coverage of the elections. | Through this partnership, the sector has been taken through the legislative amendments (Electoral Act), the Electoral Code of Conduct, prohibited conduct and applicable penalties, and free and fair elections. | "For the first time since the first democratic elections in 1994, voters will…

unitedEditor (2024-05-13). "Our struggle is neither a colored revolution nor an attempt of separatism." unitedworldint.com Aydƒ±nlƒ±k newspaper and Ulusal Kanal TV channel from Türkiye met with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic Foreign Minister Mohamed Sidati. Sidati answered questions of journalists Kƒ±vanàß àñzdal and Ali Rƒ±za Ta≈üdelen at the Boujdour Refugee Camp of the Polisario Front on the border of Algeria and Western Sahara. From Spanish colonialism to Moroccan occupation Kƒ±vanàß àñzdal: …

Staff (2024-05-13). Greece Slams Turkey for Reopening Former Orthodox Church as Mosque. defenddemocracy.press The Chora Museum, a former Greek Orthodox religious building dating back to the 4th century, was reopened to worshippers in Istanbul as a mosque, sparking an angry reaction from Athens. By Hamdi Firat Buyuk and Eleni Stamatoukou May 7, 2024 The Greek Foreign Ministry condemned the official reopening as a mosque on Sunday of the …

Staff (2024-05-13). The rogue state, the facts of ethnic cleansing, and the term the next day. defenddemocracy.press By Marwan Emil Toubasi. While the rogue occupying state continues the crimes of ethnic cleansing in Palestine and plans to displace and control Gaza and make it an unlivable place after systematic destruction and killing, with all its consequences, repercussions and effects that our people have never witnessed since before the crime of the first …

Maxime Duriez (2024-05-13). European Elections 2024: FIDH calls on European election candidates to commit to human rights. fidh.org

Staff (2024-05-13). World's top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target. defenddemocracy.press Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds By Damian Carrington May 8, 2024 Hundreds of the world's leading climate scientists expect global temperatures to rise to at least 2.5C (4.5F) above preindustrial levels this century, blasting past internationally agreed targets and causing …

The Independent (2024-05-13). Museveni names new commander for Operation Shuuja in DRC. independent.co.ug Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | President Yoweri Museveni has made changes to the leadership of operations against the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), replacing Maj Gen Dick Olum with Maj Gen Richard Otto as the commandant. Maj Gen Olum, who assumed command in October 2022, has been reassigned to represent Uganda in the South Sudan …

Reuters (2024-05-13). Spain's Socialists hail 'new era' after separatist defeat in Catalonia. scmp.com Spain's Socialists won the biggest share of the vote in Catalan elections, dealing a serious blow to more than a decade of separatist governance and the independence dreams still nursed by some in the wealthy northeastern region.

dpa,Reuters (2024-05-13). North Korea warns US allies Australia, Britain, Germany, France to stop using UN sanctions as excuse to interfere. scmp.com Pyongyang on Monday warned the UK, Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand and Australia to immediately stop their 'blatant military intervention' under the pretext of monitoring UN sanctions violations.

Staff (2024-05-13). Erdogan sous pression. Un point de vue grec. defenddemocracy.press par Dimitris Georgopoulos Apr. 30, 2024 Les prix élevés ponctionnent les revenus des citoyens turcs, en particulier dans les grandes villes, provoquant un mécontentement explosif, qui s'est également reflété dans les récentes élections. Imamoglu multiplie ses apparitions quotidiennes dans les médias en tant qu' ´ homme d'État ª et de sérieuses frictions sont apparues au sein …

teleSUR, SH (2024-05-13). øQué debes saber sobre las elecciones en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net Si ninguno de los candidatos dominicanos a presidente recibe más del 50 por ciento de los votos, se organizará una segunda vuelta, prevista para el 30 de junio.

Eric Toussaint (2024-05-13). The World Bank and the IMF: the creditors' bailiffs. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

Sushovan Dhar (2024-05-13). India : popular movements, not elections, will bring transformative change. cadtm.org With the exception of a brief period, India has been more fortunate than many other nations in being able to maintain parliamentary rule over the last 77 years. With 900 million voters—more than the populations of Europe and Australia put together—the Indian elections are hailed as the largest exhibition and celebration of democracy. The nation's economic growth over the past 30 years —one of the fastest in the world—also makes the elections noteworthy on a global scale.
| India is undoubtedly at (…) | – | /…

Michael Roberts (2024-05-13). India: Modi and the rise of the billionaire Raj. cadtm.org A general election in India starts today. 970m Indians, more than 10% of the world's population, will head to the polls in what will be the largest election in history for the Lok Sabha (House of the People) parliamentary elections. The poll will spread across India and take up to 4 June to complete. Opinion polls suggest that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leader of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and his coalition will win a third successive 5-year term, and win by (…) | – | / |

newarab (2024-05-13). Iraq's bid to end UNAMI sparks controversy, caution. newarab.com

newarab (2024-05-13). Plaintiffs preparing appeal in Gaza case against Biden admin. newarab.com Attorneys representing Palestinians who are suing the US administration for its role in The case, Defense for Children International-Palestine et al. v.

presstv.ir (2024-05-13). Hamas condemns Biden's remarks on Israeli captives as 'setback' to ceasefire talks. presstv.ir Hamas slams Biden's remarks on Israeli captives as a setback to Gaza ceasefire negotiations.

presstv.ir (2024-05-13). Iran: Israel's occupation, nuclear weapons main obstacles to West Asia security. presstv.ir The Iranian foreign minister says the establishment of full peace and security in the West Asia hinges on disarmament of Israel and end to its occupation of Palestine.

presstv.ir (2024-05-13). UK says 'not wise' to ban arms sales to Israel as Rafah invasion looms. presstv.ir David Cameron says it is "not a wise path" for the UK government to suspend arms sales to Israel even as the regime is planning a large-scale assault on Rafah.

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