2024-06-25: News Headlines

Alan Macleod (2024-06-25). Maduro vs. US Election Interference: A Battle for Venezuela's Future. mintpressnews.com With upcoming elections scheduled for July 28, the United States is working overtime to dislodge the socialist government of Nicolás Maduro. Ten individuals are vying for the position, including nine in opposition to Maduro, who heads a coalition of 13 leftist groups. | Washington, though, has made clear that its preferred candidate is 74-year-old retired diplomat Edmundo González, and is spending big, bankrolling a myriad of opposition organizations, from political parties to NGOs and media outlets, all with the same goal in mind: ousting Maduro and returning Venezuela into the U.S. sphere of influence. | The U.

Maureen Skehan, Workers' World. (2024-06-25). Boston: No Cops, No Corporations, No Pride In Genocide! popularresistance.org In the spirit of global solidarity with oppressed people's resistance, from Stonewall to Palestine, over 70 queer/trans, pro-Palestinian and pro-working class organizations in the greater Boston area united under the banner of "Liberate Boston Pride," demanding "No cops! No corporations! and "No Pride in Genocide!" (liberatebostonpride.wordpress.com/) | Endorsing organizations included Students for Justice in Palestine, United American Indians of New England, North American Indian Center of Boston, ACT UP Boston, BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Boston, Democratic Socialists of America Boston, the Dyke March,…

Staff (2024-06-25). Netanyahu says Israel 'committed' to Gaza ceasefire proposal. muslimmirror.com Jerusalem : Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that Israel is "committed" to the deal proposal outlined by US President Joe Biden for a ceasefire in Gaza in return for the release of hostages. "We are committed to the Israeli proposal that President Biden endorsed," Netanyahu said on Monday during a special plenum session …

The Independent (2024-06-25). Netanyahu says Israel "committed" to Gaza ceasefire proposal. independent.co.ug JERUSALEM, Israel | Xinhua| Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Monday that Israel is "committed" to the deal proposal outlined by U.S. President Joe Biden for a ceasefire in Gaza in return for the release of hostages. "We are committed to the Israeli proposal that President Biden endorsed," Netanyahu said during a special plenum …

Dan Lieberman (2024-06-25). Preventing the Genocide. dissidentvoice.org Part 1 of a two-parter: Israelis Live Wasted and Desperate Lives and Should Leave The fuss that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken manufactured over their Israel inspired ceasefire plan is pathetic. Claiming Hamas is "proposing changes that are not workable." without specifying the proposed changes (are there changes?), is not informing …

WSWS (2024-06-25). Bernie Sanders stumps for Jamaal Bowman, defends Israel at sparsely attended Bronx rally with Ocasio-Cortez. wsws.org The tiny crowd for Saturday's rally is of objective significance. The "left" face of the Democratic Party stands exposed in the minds of millions as supporters of genocide and war.

Staff (2024-06-25). Headlines for June 25, 2024. democracynow.org Julian Assange Secures Freedom After Reaching Plea Deal with U.S., Leaving U.K. Prison, "A Nightmare from Which They Cannot Wake": UNRWA Head on Gaza's Catastrophic Reality, Gaza Health Workers Call on International Community to Protect Palestinian Medical Sector, Israel's Supreme Court Rules Ultra-Orthodox Jews Must Serve in Military, Russian Strike Kills 5 in Eastern Ukraine's Pokrovsk, as Moscow Vows Retaliation for Crimea Attack, Kenyan Police Crack Down as Protesters Call for National Strike Against Tax Plan, Kenya Prepares to Deploy 400 Troops to Haiti, Protests Revived in New…

Democracy Now! (2024-06-25). Democracy Now! 2024-06-25 Tuesday. democracynow.org Headlines for June 25, 2024; Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga; Press Freedom Advocates Celebrate Julian Assange's Release, But Warn of Impact of Plea Deal; Journalist Antony Loewenstein on Assange's Release, WikiLeaks & Israeli Drones Killing Gaza Reporters; NYC Congestion Pricing: Advocates Slam NY Gov for Halting Plan to Reduce Emissions, Fund Mass Transit | Headlines for June 25, 2024; Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga; Press Freedom Advocates Celebrate Juli…

Staff (2024-06-25). Fire breaks out in northern Israel following latest rocket barrage from Lebanon. haaretz.com Report: U.S. officials warn Hezbollah to not assume it can stop Israel from attacking Lebanon ‚ñ U.S. urgently seeking diplomatic agreement between Israel and Hezbollah, Austin says ‚ñ Netanyahu: 'Committed to the Israeli proposal outlined by Biden' ‚ñ IDF kills key figure in Hamas' munition production effort ‚ñ U.S. military chief says U.S. likely unable to defend Israel from Hezbollah attack like it did against Iran…

Staff (2024-06-25). Reports in Gaza: At least 13 killed in IDF strike in Gaza City, including Hamas Chief Haniyeh's sister. haaretz.com Report: U.S. officials warn Hezbollah to not assume it can stop Israel from attacking Lebanon ‚ñ IDF announces that abducted Israeli soldier was killed on Oct. 7, his body held in Gaza ‚ñ Netanyahu: 'Committed to the Israeli proposal outlined by Biden' ‚ñ IDF kills key figure in Hamas' munition production effort ‚ñ U.S. military chief says U.S. likely unable to defend Israel from Hezbollah attack like it did against Iran…

Staff (2024-06-25). Journalist Antony Loewenstein on Assange's Release, WikiLeaks & Israeli Drones Killing Gaza Reporters. democracynow.org We discuss the plea deal and release of Julian Assange with Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein, and the reaction in Assange's home country of Australia to his release and WikiLeaks's legacy, which he says helped open the door to whistleblowers and leakers in the era of digital journalism. Loewenstein, the author of The Palestine Laboratory, also discusses the state of press freedom in Israel's war on Gaza. The Israeli military doesn't view Palestinian journalists as journalists, he argues. Instead, it views them as "akin to terrorists" to justify its targeting of them, an…

newleftreview (2024-06-25). Richard Beck: Bidenism Abroad. newleftreview.org Panoramic survey of US foreign policy as Washington attempts to maintain its global hegemony in conditions of faltering growth. Containing China, confronting Russia, driving decarbonization: each of Biden's stated aims has been beset by insoluble contradictions from the outset, Richard Beck argues, now compounded by Israel's punitive war on Gaza.

Eric Brooks (2024-06-25). Why elections? Nuts and bolts of how movements change laws. cpusa.org Some left and progressive people today are understandably too disgusted with the Biden administration's support for Israel as it carries out its genocidal campaign in Palestine to even consider joining mobilizations to the polls in November to prevent a MAGA—Trump victory. While anger with both major parties leading to disaffection with voting is not a new phenomenon, the question has become sharper in the context of mass struggles for justice in Palestine, and this is reflected in debates taking place within the party. Some party members are searching for various theories that could show how a boycott o…

aljazeera (2024-06-25). Israeli air strike kills 10 family members of Hamas chief Haniyeh in Gaza. aljazeera.com Israeli forces kill 24 Palestinians in three attacks as Hamas blames Biden administration for war of 'extermination'.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2024-06-25). 2025 California Juneteenth – Top California Corporations. indybay.org California Businesses beginning to align with our Federal Juneteenth Holiday. From our Statewide Hub, 1849 Historic Negro Bar we kickoff statewide efforted toward "Absolute Equity"

aa.com.tr (2024-06-25). Bingà∂l'de ormanlƒ±k alanda à߃±kan yangƒ±n sà∂ndàºràºldàº. aa.com.tr Bingà∂l'àºn Genàß ilàßesinde ormanlƒ±k alanda à߃±kan yangƒ±n sà∂ndàºràºldàº.

Adam Fishbein (2024-06-25). Why Is Chuck Schumer Refusing a Vote on the Child Tax Credit? cepr.net The Hill Read article on original site This week, reports emerged that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is under pressure from vulnerable Democratic Senators to hold a vote on one of the most popular major bipartisan bills of the 118th Congress— a $78 billion package to expand the Child Tax Credit and restore the deductibility …

Dean Baker (2024-06-25). The Labor Price of Gas is at Trumpian Levels. counterpunch.org The media have told us endlessly how people can no longer afford things due to higher prices and the fact that wages have risen more doesn't matter. I wouldn't want to disagree with the experts, but suppose we just did a little calculation about how much time it takes a typical worker to earn enough

Don Fitz (2024-06-25). Lock Them Both Up! counterpunch.org During the 2016 election Trump fanatics chanted "Lock her up," referring to Hillary Clinton. The tables have now turned. Trump is a convicted criminal and Biden violates international law. In one of the most twisted forms of logic ever to appear in politics, liberals believe that screaming "Trump is a fascist" somehow proves that Biden is not. If

Bob Topper (2024-06-25). Straw Men and Strange Bedfellows. counterpunch.org In my college days I was a Goldwater Republican. My roommate and I saw eye-to-eye. Today he is a conservative Republican, and I am a progressive Democrat. We remain close friends, but this divide troubled me. I asked him to help me understand why the right harbors so much animosity towards the left. He responded

David McCall (2024-06-25). How Workers Are Winning as the Nation Adds Jobs, Manufacturing. counterpunch.org John Ralston went into bargaining with Transco last fall intending to negotiate one of the strongest union contracts in his three decades with the company. Carmakers urgently wanted to get new vehicles to market. The railroads needed to get more autoracks—enclosed rail cars used to transport vehicles—into service. And Ralston said he and his co-workers,

Staff (2024-06-25). Press Freedom Advocates Celebrate Julian Assange's Release, But Warn of Impact of Plea Deal. democracynow.org We discuss the plea deal and release of Julian Assange with press freedom advocate Trevor Timm. "Thankfully, Julian Assange is finally going free today, but the press freedom implications remain to be seen," says Timm, who explains the U.S. espionage case against Assange, which was opened under the Trump administration and continued under Biden. Timm expresses disappointment that Biden chose to continue prosecuting Assange rather than demonstrating his stated support of press freedom. If convicted, Assange could have been sentenced to 175 years in U.S. prison, which Timm calls a "ticking time bo…

Staff (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is Free: WikiLeaks Founder's Brother Gabriel Shipton on End of Decadelong Legal Saga. democracynow.org WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed from Belmarsh Prison in London, where he has been incarcerated for the past five years, after accepting a plea deal with U.S. prosecutors. After a decade-plus of legal challenges, Assange will plead guilty to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material for publishing classified documents detailing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan on WikiLeaks. The Australian publisher is expected to be sentenced to time served and allowed to return home, where he reportedly will seek a pardon. Assange's brother Gabriel Shipton…

Staff (2024-06-25). NYC Congestion Pricing: Advocates Slam NY Gov for Halting Plan to Reduce Emissions, Fund Mass Transit. democracynow.org Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul has shocked constituents this month with a surprise decision to cancel New York City's congestion program plan just weeks before it was set to start. Hochul had previously supported the plan, which would have charged drivers $15 to enter parts of Manhattan in order to fund the city's public transportation budget. New York City's public transportation system, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), is used daily by millions of city residents but has long been plagued by underfunding for necessary expansions and repairs. Congestion pricing has bee…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2024-06-25). "Wiki-Gate": Julian Assange Was Framed by the People Who Supported Him. globalresearch.ca Assange has been the object of an all out smear campaign by those who supported him. The Economist which granted Assange the New Media Award in 2008 intimates that he is an "enemy agent" responsible for "information anarchy … culminating in the destabilization of American democracy"

latintimes (2024-06-25). New York elections: more Latinos seek state assembly and senate seats in Queens and the Bronx. latintimes.com New York is set to hold its primary elections on Tuesday, June 25th.

Imran Mulla (2024-06-25). UK election 2024: Is a unified pro-Gaza challenge to Labour emerging in Blackburn? middleeasteye.net UK election 2024: Is a unified pro-Gaza challenge to Labour emerging in Blackburn? | Former candidate Tiger Patel has urged his supporters to back the Workers Party's Craig Murray, leaving two rival pro-Gaza candidates in the race – as pressure mounts for one to stand down | | Tiger Patel an…

Areeb Ullah (2024-06-25). Akhmed Yakoob: Can the 'TikTok Gaza lawyer' unseat Labour's Shabana Mahmood? middleeasteye.net Akhmed Yakoob: Can the 'TikTok Gaza lawyer' unseat Labour's Shabana Mahmood? | Yakoob has a sizeable following on social media and has placed the war on Gaza at the centre of his election campaign in Birmingham's Ladywood | | Akhmed Yakoob came third in the West Midlands mayoral race, winning…

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-06-25). UN confirms deployment of experts for elections in Venezuela. plenglish.com Four experts will travel to the country at the beginning of July to provide an independent internal report on the general development of the elections scheduled for next July, the spokesman for the Secretary General (António Guterres), Stéphane Dujarric, announced at a press conference. | The news coincides with the completion of a technical evaluation announced weeks ago by the organization's Secretariat. | In accordance with United Nations regulations, the Electoral Expert Panels do not issue public evaluative statements on the general conduct of the electoral process or its results. | This assistance mechanism…

Pressenza New York (2024-06-25). Inflation, economic crisis and uncertainty in Bangladesh. pressenza.com In January 2009, when the Awami League came to power through a landslide victory in December's general elections, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina saw terrorism and militancy as key factors threatening the security of the entire region. During the 2001-2006 rule of the Al Qaeda-connected Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its coalition partner—the pro-Islamist and pro-Pakistan Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) — the country had become a safe haven for terrorists and jihadists. | By Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury | Within a couple of weeks of assuming office, Sheikh Hasina declared an all-out war against terrorism an…

unitedEditor (2024-06-25). 5 questions 5 answers on the EU Parliament elections. uwidata.com Europeans looking for an alternative What impact did the economic situation have on the election results? The economic situation has had a significant impact on the results of the European elections. Economic hardships, such as the rising cost of living, rising energy prices and financial pressure on sectors such as agriculture, have influenced voter behavior. …

WSWS (2024-06-25). Teamsters union president to speak at Republican National Convention, in another sign of growing alliance with extreme right. wsws.org O'Brien will be speaking at a meeting that will be, for all intents and purposes, a fascist rally put on by one of the two main political parties.

WSWS (2024-06-25). Julian Assange freed after plea deal with the US. wsws.org The arrangement represents a massive victory for Assange, whose liberation will be welcomed by defenders of democratic rights and opponents of imperialist war around the world.

Robert Delaney (2024-06-25). US No 2 envoy claims Moscow-Pyongyang pact has left Beijing 'somewhat anxious'. scmp.com Chinese officials 'have indicated so in some of our interactions', Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell tells Council of Foreign Relations.

tn.ai (2024-06-25). Leader: High Election Turnout Source of Pride to Iran. tn.ai TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the high turnout of voters in the upcoming presidential election will bring glory to Iran and disappoint the enemies.

Basit Mahmood (2024-06-25). Tory election candidate describes party as a 'shower of shit'. leftfootforward.org Former Olympic rower James Cracknell made the comments in a campaign video posted on Facebook, while still pleading with voters to vote for him in Colchester.

Taryn Fivek (2024-06-25). The many vs. the money: Working class brings the heat to Bowman campaign. peoplesworld.org NEW YORK—Despite June 22 being the hottest day of the year in the Bronx, hundreds of people — many of them union members and community organizers — gather at the Gil Scott Heron amphitheater in St. Mary's Park to support the re-election of Jamaal Bowman for Congress. An incumbent member of "The Squad," Bowman faces …

Staff (2024-06-25). Marine Le Pen: ´Combien de temps allons-nous tolérer les abjections de l'extrême-gauche sur l'antisémitisme ? ª. defenddemocracy.press Par Marine Le PenJun Jun 22, 2024 L'extrême-gauche se rend coupable d'une insupportable banalisation de l'antisémitisme contre laquelle il faut lutter, pour l'honneur de la France, estime l'ancienne candidate RN à l'élection présidentielle. En France, les actes antisémites ont progressé de 300% au premier trimestre 2024, soit quatre actes antisémites par jour. Cette hausse s'est clairement …

Lori A. Zimmerman (2024-06-25). A rogue's gallery of presidential satire served up at popular L.A. marketplace. peoplesworld.org LOS ANGELES — Here we are mid-2024 and nothing is more welcome in this tense election year than a bit of humor and irreverence. Center for the Study of Political Graphics' exhibition Presidential Rogue's Gallery: Satirical Posters from the 1950s to the Present serves that up well, and you can view it now at Mercado …

Robert Delaney,Khushboo Razdan (2024-06-25). US No 2 envoy claims Moscow-Pyongyang pact has left Beijing 'somewhat anxious'. scmp.com Chinese officials 'have indicated so in some of our interactions', Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell tells Council of Foreign Relations.

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-25). Beyond Life Without Parole in the US: 2nd Chances Make Communities Stronger. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Ruben R. was sentenced to life without parole for a crime he committed when he was 17 years old. Changes in law gave him the chance to go before the parole board, and he was found eligible for release. After coming home, Ruben taught himself carpentry skills, became a property manager, and worked part-time for a non-profit organization. In his spare time, he has gone back into prisons as a volunteer speaker, encouraging people to choose a path of self-improvement. Los Angeles, California. | © 2021 Chip Warren for Human Rights Watch…

Luke Fletcher (2024-06-25). This is how Plaid Cymru would transform workers' rights. leftfootforward.org The past several years have been unimaginably difficult for the vast majority of people in the UK. | The cost-of-living crisis, inflation, soaring housing, food and energy costs, as well as the industrial disputes that followed in the wake of the resultant profiteering has meant that most have had little, if any, financial breathing room. | This gives the current General Election period a particular sense of urgency, an urgency that is both indicative of the need for a transformation in the way our society operates and yet neutralised by the hot air, bland delirium and lack of ambition from Westminster's gover…

Associated Press (2024-06-25). Trump dramatically changes tune on Biden before televised clash: 'a worthy debater'. scmp.com After months of casting US President Joe Biden as a shell of a man incapable of putting two sentences together, Donald Trump has adjusted expectations before their first debate.

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). WHO: As Mpox Outbreaks Continue, Cases May Be Underestimated. jamanetwork.com About 2 years after the global mpox outbreak began, the World Health Organization (WHO) provided updated numbers of mpox cases and revised vaccine recommendations in a new situation report. From 2022 through March 2024, more than 95‚ÄØ200 people have developed mpox infections and 185 patients have died, WHO reported. Cases have risen in Africa in recent months, especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

unitedEditor (2024-06-25). 5 questions 5 answers on the EU Parliament elections. unitedworldint.com Europeans looking for an alternative What impact did the economic situation have on the election results? The economic situation has had a significant impact on the results of the European elections. Economic hardships, such as the rising cost of living, rising energy prices and financial pressure on sectors such as agriculture, have influenced voter behavior. …

Shawn Musgrave (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Strikes Plea Deal, Will Return to Australia. theintercept.com After years of fighting extradition from the United Kingdom to the U.S. on charges related to his publication of secret cables about the Iraq War, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors, according to court documents filed on Monday. The Justice Department expects Assange to return home to Australia after a plea hearing Tuesday morning. | The agreement would bring to an end Assange's lengthy standoff with the White House, which has sparked diplomatic tensions and global concern about U.S. hypocrisy when it comes to advancing freedom of the press. | In 2018, the Justice…

Harrison Dressler (2024-06-25). In Praise of Laziness. socialistproject.ca Walter A. Ratcliffe, a

Editor (2024-06-25). How Karl Marx influenced Abraham Lincoln and his position on slavery & labor. mronline.org If resistance to the Slave Power was the reserved watchword of your first election, the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.

Murad Gattal, Ahmed Rahmanov, Togrul Veliyev, Ahmed Mammadli (2024-06-25). Nothing but revolution can change Azerbaijan for the better: Interview with the Azerbaijani left. links.org.au Murad Gattal spoke to Azerbaijani trade unionists and left-wing activists about the state of society following Ilham Aliyev's election for the fifth presidential term and the Third Karabakh War.

Mark Gruenberg (2024-06-25). On the anniversary of Roe's demise, abortion rights are a major election issue. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—The second anniversary of the Supreme Court's guillotining of the national constitutional right to an abortion is—or should—remind voters their decisions in this November's election, up and down the ballot, will determine not only whether that right may be restored, but so much more. Abortion rights, worker rights, living wages, Social Security's and Medicare's future, …

jamanetwork (2024-06-25). Poll: Health-Related Costs Top Older Adults' Concerns. jamanetwork.com When asked about their feelings on more than 20 topics, older adults listed various health-related costs as their top 6 concerns, based on data from about 3400 respondents to the University of Michigan's National Poll on Healthy Aging. The majority of respondents aged 50 years or older were worried about the cost of medical care, home care, prescription medications, and health insurance or Medicare.

| Peter Boyle | (2024-06-25). Why ecosocialism is not just a good idea but a necessity. socialist-alliance.org As the climate emergency and extinction crises deepen, there is no choice but to struggle to democratise the economy so that it can be made to serve social needs and ecological sustainability. Peter Boyle reports.

Larry Neumeister (2024-06-25). Sen. Bob Menendez's Egypt, Qatar trip planning got 'weird,' Senate staffer recalls at bribery trial. whyy.org A Senate staffer testified Monday at a bribery trial that planning for Sen. Bob Menendez's 2021 trip to Egypt and Qatar got "weird" after the Democrat directed that Egypt be included in the process. | Sarah Arkin, a senior staffer with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, testified as a government witness at a trial over bribes of hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold and cash allegedly paid to the senator in return for benefits he supposedly delivered to three New Jersey businessmen from 2018 to 2022. | Among favors he allegedly carried out, one included helping Egyptian officials in exchange for one busin…

Agence France-Presse (2024-06-25). France's Macron warns of 'civil war' risk as elections loom. scmp.com French President Emmanuel Macron warned that the policies of his far-right and hard-left opponents as France prepares for its most divisive election in decades.

Staff (2024-06-25). France, the new Popular Front, hopes and contradictions. defenddemocracy.press By Dimitris Skarpalezos After the thunderous victory of the far-right "National Rally" in the French European elections, under the pressure of the mass of their supporters, the parties of the broader left formed a coalition for the parliamentary elections called the "New Popular Front" in reference to the Popular Front of communists and socialists …

Basit Mahmood (2024-06-25). BREAKING: Tory party withdraws support for two candidates embroiled in betting scandal. leftfootforward.org The Tory Party says it has withdrawn support for two candidates embroiled in the betting scandal. | Craig Williams and Laura Saunders are being investigated by the Gambling Commission over an alleged bet she made about the date of the General Election. | A Conservative Party spokesperson said: "As a result of ongoing internal enquiries, we have concluded that we can no longer support Craig Williams or Laura Saunders as Parliamentary Candidates at the forthcoming General Election. | "We have checked with the Gambling Commission that this decision does not compromise the investigation that they are conducting, w…

teleSUR, JGN (2024-06-25). Comunidad internacional saluda victoria de Sheinbaum en México. telesurtv.net Xiomara Castro dijo que acordó con Sheinbaum "trabajar juntas por la unidad de Latinoamérica y el Caribe".

Staff (2024-06-25). Hollande poignarde la vraie gauche dans le dos. defenddemocracy.press Législatives : Hollande demande à Mélenchon de ´se taire ª, le leader insoumis refuse de ´céder ª Jun 23, 2024 Les deux hommes se sont écharpés à distance ce dimanche, alors que le Nouveau Front populaire n'a toujours pas tranché le nom de son éventuel premier ministre s'il l'emportait, le 7 juillet prochain. Entre les deux hommes, les …

teleSUR, odr, SH (2024-06-25). Autoridades dominicanas colocan a 25 provincias en alerta verde. telesurtv.net El COE aumenta 14 provincias y al Distrito Nacional en alerta amarilla debido a una masa de aire húmeda dejada por una onda tropical en el país caribeño.

Staff (2024-06-25). Le prétexte ´ Mélenchon ª. defenddemocracy.press Par Jean-Luc Mélenchon 24 juin 2024 Quand je vois comment ´ Mélenchon ª est traité, je suis saisi d'émotions glacées. La haine qui s'exprime à son égard dans les médias est d'une qualité si rare, si venimeuse, si totale. Je ne croyais plus cela possible. Il y avait si longtemps qu'on en n'avait vu de …

Eric Toussaint (2024-06-25). The World Bank and IMF have set their sights on East Timor, a state officially born in May 2002. cadtm.org In July 2024, the World Bank and the IMF will be 80 years old. 80 years of financial neo-colonialism and the imposition of austerity policies in the name of debt repayment. 80 years is enough! The Bretton Woods institutions must be abolished and replaced by democratic institutions serving an ecological, feminist and anti-racist bifurcation. To mark these 80 years, we are republishing a series of articles every Wednesday until July, looking in detail at the history and damage caused by these (…) | – | / |

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Hamas: We hold Biden administration responsible for the ongoing genocide against our people in Gaza by giving the occupation political and military cover. english.almanar.com.lb

english.almanar.com.lb (2024-06-25). Imam Khamenei: High Voter Turnout Source of Pride to Iran. english.almanar.com.lb Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei said the high turnout of voters in the upcoming presidential election will bring glory to Iran and disappoint the enemies. On the occasion of Eid Al-Ghadeer and in the lead-up to the fourteenth presidential election, thousands of Iranians from five provinces across the Islamic …

newarab (2024-06-25). South Korea NGO files case against Israel for Gaza war crimes. newarab.com A lawsuit has been filed in The complaint was lodged with the South Korean Police Investigation Agency by the NGO People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) against Netanyahu as well as Israeli President Isaac Herzog, Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, Defence Minister Yoav…

newarab (2024-06-25). Biden 'disturbed' by alleged attack on US-Palestinian child. newarab.com The woman has been charged with capital murder, court records show, following the May The 42-y…

newarab (2024-06-25). Iran's presidential election dominated by Khamenei loyalists. newarab.com Iranians choose a president on Friday in a tightly controlled election following With Iran's supreme leader now 85, it is likely that the next president will be closely involved in the eventual process of choosing a successor to Khamenei, who has ensu…

newarab (2024-06-25). Progressives fear a Bowman loss in NY could empower big money. newarab.com On the eve of the New York Democratic primary race, progressives are expressing concern that if Representative These concerns come as Bowman trails his opponent, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, in recent polls by around 17 points, following months of heavy spending by right-leaning political action committees. | "This election is not about Jamaal versus Mr. Latimer. This election i…

newarab (2024-06-25). Keir Starmer has lost the British Arab voter. He doesn't care. newarab.com As Keir Starmer's Labour Party readies itself to form a new government on July 5, there are many lingering uncertainties and blurred lines. Are the party's plans ambitious enough to meet the nation's needs? Will Starmer make a stand or continue to flip-flop between policies? Is the forthcoming election victory merely a castle made of sand? | One element however is crystal clear: Labour has irrevocably lost the support of the 500,000-strong Recent polling b…

newarab (2024-06-25). Lebanon's 'Soldiers of God' endorse Le Pen in French elections. newarab.com

newarab (2024-06-25). Netanyahu wants Biden out and Trump back in power. newarab.com

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Hamas slams Biden administration for support of Israel's Gaza genocide. presstv.ir The Palestinian resistance movement said Washington continues to politically and militarily support Israel in its carnage in the besieged territory.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). UK Muslims gravitate toward independent candidates. presstv.ir British Muslims have traditionally voted Labour; however the party's stance on the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza has cast doubt on that support in the upcoming general elections.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Live Updates: Fifth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Live updates of the fifth and final televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election with the participation of six candidates…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Analysis: How fifth and final debate in 2024 Iran presidential election unfolded. presstv.ir The fifth and final televised debate ahead of the June 28 snap presidential election in Iran was held on Tuesday afternoon with the participation of six candidates vying for the top executive office.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Highlights: Fourth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Highlights of the fourth televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election on the subject of foreign policy with the participation of six candidates…

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Leader: High voter turnout makes Iran proud, disappoints enemies. presstv.ir Ayatollah Khamenei says a higher voter turnout in the upcoming presidential election makes Iran proud and disappoints the country's enemies.

presstv.ir (2024-06-25). Highlights: Fifth debate in 2024 Iran presidential election. presstv.ir Highlights of the fifth and final televised debate of the 2024 Iranian presidential election with the participation of six candidates…

Larry Johnson (2024-06-25). Julian Assange Is free and My Recent Podcasts with Judge Napolitano and Nima. sonar21.com The news reports are true and we have reason to celebrate. Julian Assange signed off on a plea deal with the United States — he pleads guilty to one charge and then walks free. It looks like the Biden Administration is trying to clean up extraneous issues before the November election and did not want to have Assange as a distraction. They ain't doing this because it is the right thing to do. Don't kid yourself. | After years of suffering, Assange is likely to cash in. I see a book and movie in his future, not to mention speaking fees. He is returning to Australia and is likely to become a political fo…

hindustantimes (2024-06-25). Houthi Chief Roars At Biden After 'Forcing' U.S. Carrier To Leave Red Sea: 'Tyrant Of…' | Gaza. hindustantimes.com The Chief of Yemen's Houthi rebels launched a blistering attack on the United States. Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi accused the U.S. of trying to impose its authority over Muslims. The Houthi leader described Washington as "the arrogant tyrant of this era". Watch for more.

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