2024-06-12: News Headlines

Jonathan Cook (2024-06-12). The Day the West Defined "Success" as a Massacre of 270 Palestinians. dissidentvoice.org Israel hasn't just crossed the Biden administration's pretend "red lines" in Gaza. With its massacre at Nuseirat refugee camp at the weekend, Israel drove a bulldozer through them. On Saturday, an Israeli military operation to free four Israelis held captive by Hamas since its 7 October attack on Israel resulted in the killing of more …

Staff (2024-06-12). 'People's Red Line' Surrounds White House To Call Out Biden's Empty Rhetoric on Rafah. youtube.com A massive protest, all in red, surrounded the White House to call out Biden's fake "red line" on Rafah. Biden is now trying to posture as the peacemaker after eight months of facilitating Israeli genocide. The Palestine movement isn't buying it.

Center For Constitutional Rights. (2024-06-12). Appeal In Biden Gaza Genocide Case Heard Today. popularresistance.org June 10, 2024, San Francisco, CA — Today before a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Palestinians from Gaza and Palestinian-Americans with family in Gaza argued that the courts have a constitutional obligation to hear their claims that President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken, and Secretary of Defense Austin violated their legal duty to prevent — and are complicit in — Israel's genocide in Gaza. The lower court had found a plausible case of genocide and urged the Biden administration to reexamine its "unflagging support" for Israel's siege of Gaza, but dismissed the laws…

Brett Wilkins (2024-06-12). Federal Court Hears Appeal in Case Accusing Biden of Complicity in Gaza Genocide. globalresearch.ca

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2024-06-12). Joe Biden's Mentor, Father of Original Cold War, Was Traitor to U.S.: Family Company Sold Fuel Additive to Nazi Air Force. covertactionmagazine.com Harriman helped lay the groundwork for Biden in his support for imperialistic foreign policies worldwide Joe Biden has established a reputation over his long political career as a neo-conservative war hawk. He will be remembered as the president who supported Israeli genocide in Gaza and triggered a new Cold War with Russia while funneling billions …

mforinoco (2024-06-12). Over 100,000 People Form 'Red Line' Around White House to Protest US Support of 'Israel'. orinocotribune.com A hundred thousand people descended upon Washington DC to surround the White House with a miles-long "red line," later forming a "People's Court" to try Biden and Netanyahu for genocide. | "The ruling class, they've shown us that they have no red line," said Lamees M, an organizer with the Palestinian Youth Movement, opening a rally of over 100,000 people in front of the White House in the capital of the US on Saturday, June 8. "They will bankroll the murder of 40,000 Palestinians. They will provide cover for the wholesale destruction of the entire Gaza Strip. They'll provide the blueprint for the mass displac…

Tyler Walicek (2024-06-12). The "Uncommitted" Vote Campaign Pressured Democrats on Gaza. What's Next? truthout.org During presidential primary elections this spring, a nationwide network of organizers under the banner of the Uncommitted Movement rolled out a groundswell campaign across nine states urging participants to vote in protest of President Joe Biden's role in the Gaza genocide. With November's Trump-Biden rematch not yet an entirely foregone conclusion, the primaries offered an opportunity to send a… |

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2024-06-12). CovertAction Bulletin: When Biden Won't Draw a Red Line, The People Will. covertactionmagazine.com Over 100,000 people surrounded the White House on Saturday, June 8th, wearing red and carrying a 2-mile long banner with the names of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have died since the renewed Israeli assault began eight months to the day before….

Binoy Kampmark (2024-06-12). The EU Elections: The March of the Right. dissidentvoice.org The EU elections over June 6 to June 9 have presented a chaotically merry picture, certainly for those on the right of politics. Not that the right in question is reliably homogeneous in any sense, nor hoping for a single theme of triumph. A closer look at the gains made by the conservative side of …

Staff (2024-06-12). Headlines for June 12, 2024. democracynow.org Hamas and Islamic Jihad Respond to U.N. Ceasefire Plan, U.N. Inquiry on Gaza Finds Israel Committed War Crimes Including Starvation, Torture and Murder, Israeli Strike on Lebanon Kills Hezbollah Commander, "15,000 Kids Dead Is Not Self-Defense!": Protesters Confront Jake Sullivan over Gaza Assault, Hunter Biden Found Guilty of Three Felony Gun Charges, 49 Drown and 140 Others Feared Lost at Sea as Boat Ferrying Refugees Sinks Off Yemen's Coast, Malawian Vice President Saulos Chilima Confirmed Dead After Plane Crash, Biden Administration Will Allow Arms Shipments to Ukrainian Unit with Neo-Nazi P…

Council on American-Islamic Relations (2024-06-12). CAIR Calls on Biden Admin to Condemn Rape and Torture of Palestinian Detainees Held by Israel. indybay.org June 7, 2024 – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today called on the Biden administration to condemn the reported rape and torture of Palestinian detainees held by Israel's far-right government.

Staff (2024-06-12). Sarah Leah Whitson: U.S. Ceasefire Push in Gaza Is Welcome, But "40,000 Dead Palestinians Too Late" democracynow.org A pair of new United Nations reports has accused Israel, as well as Hamas, of committing war crimes in Gaza. The damning documents come as Israel and Hamas are being urged to accept the three-phase ceasefire and hostage deal outlined by President Biden and endorsed by the U.N. Security Council. "Israel has no interest in international law, and the United States has no interest in demanding that Israel actually comply with international law besides rhetorical flourishes," says Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of DAWN. "It will come to haunt and hurt America for decades to come."…

Ryan Black (2024-06-12). When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It A 'Tragic Accident'. progressivehub.net ROBIN ANDERSEN | FAIR…

Staff (2024-06-12). When Biden Won't Draw a Red Line, The People Will. covertactionbulletin.podbean.com Over 100,000 people surrounded the White House on Saturday, June 8th, wearing red and carrying a 2-mile long banner with the names of the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have died since the renewed Israeli assault began eight months to the day before. Through a rally, march and followed by a People's Court of …

newarab (2024-06-12). Muslims set to back Labour in UK election, Gaza anger remains. newarab.com British Muslims are set to overwhelmingly back Labour in the upcoming UK elections, but anger over the Savanta

newarab (2024-06-12). US federal court hears appeal in Gaza case against Biden. newarab.com At a federal appeals court in San Francisco on Monday, a panel of three judges listened to the arguments for Palestinian-Americans with families in Gaza and for those they are suing, the US administration. | The

Misión Verdad (2024-06-12). President Maduro Renews Call for Dialogue as Elections Draw Near. orinocotribune.com This Monday, during the broadcast of the Con Maduro+ program, President Nicolás Maduro expressed his commitment to convening a great national dialogue once the next elections on July 28 are complete. The president highlighted the importance of establishing a path for a future in which all sectors of Venezuelan society can actively participate. | "Once the National Electoral Council (CNE) reads the results on the night of July 28, that blessed day of victory, the first thing I will do as president of the Republic, already ratified by the people, will be to call for a great dialogue—cultural, business, social…

kwjorinoco (2024-06-12). It Is Impossible to be Neutral on Venezuela. orinocotribune.com By Rafael Hidalgo Fernández — Jun 9, 2024 | As is customary since Hugo Chávez Frías triumphed in the 1998 presidential elections, all electoral disputes to reach the Miraflores Palace have been subject to strong international delegitimization campaigns, without exception, always at the initiative of the hegemonic core of the international right wing, which operates from the White House. The presidential election of July 28 is no exception to this rule. | Given the importance of the Bolivarian Revolution in the articulation progressive forces at the international level, the act of expressing support for it or…

Ana Perdigón (2024-06-12). Elections in Venezuela: Opposition Candidate Edmundo González Refuses to Sign Agreement to Recognize July 28 Results. orinocotribune.com The far-right opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia ruled out signing an agreement that would recognize the results of the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for July 28. The agreement had been suggested by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to prevent far-right violence after the elections, something that has happened several times in the past. | On Tuesday, June 11, a journalist asked González Urrutia whether he would sign the agreement proposed by the president of the National Assembly, PSUV Deputy Jorge Rodríguez. The agreement has been proposed by Chavismo in at least…

People's Dispatch. (2024-06-12). Biden Shuts Down US-Mexico Border. popularresistance.org Biden signed an executive order temporarily shutting down the US-Mexico border to asylum requests once the average number of daily encounters of migrants at official ports of entry tops 2,500. The shutdown would go into effect immediately, as the average number of people coming through the border through official ports of entry is averaging around 4,000 people per day. | This action comes after a bill pushed by Biden failed in Congress earlier this year, which would have jointly enacted harsh restrictions on the border and provided millions in funding to Ukraine. Congressional conservatives rejected the bill due…

Editor (2024-06-12). Biden Admin Endorses Trump's Saudi Foreign Policy. scheerpost.com

Staff (2024-06-12). The US Presidential Candidates' UN and Foreign Policy Stances. scheerpost.com The UN Security Council approved a United States-led resolution calling for another immediate ceasefire in Gaza, June 10, 2024. The presumptive candidates for the US presidential election in November will pit Joe Biden against Donald Trump, with Robert Kennedy Jr. as an independent right now. But what are their stances on the UN and foreign …

Staff (2024-06-12). Biden Admin Endorses Trump's Saudi Foreign Policy. scheerpost.com Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz bumping fists in Jeddah on July 15, 2022. (Saudi Press Agency, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0) By As'ad AbuKhalil / Consortium News Like every president before him, Joe Biden has decided to elevate relations between the U.S. and the Saudis. He is now finalizing a potentially historic …

Editor (2024-06-12). Warren's New Bill Makes Private Equity's Death Grip on Hospitals a Crime. scheerpost.com By Eileen Appelbaum / Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) Private equity's entrance into health care since 2000 has been dramatic. Both the number of private equity (PE) deals and annual PE investments in health care increased tenfold between 2001 and 2020, and peaked in 2021. Until now, lax corporate transparency and accountability regulations …

Editor (2024-06-12). Come on Joe: Stop John Deere from Shipping Jobs to Mexico. scheerpost.com By Les Leopold / Substack The greed of the John Deere company is giving President Biden the perfect opportunity to win back working-class voters. All he needs to do is put up a major fight to stop Deere from shipping U.S. jobs to Mexico. Really, the company should be renamed "Greed R Us." It is …

Larry Johnson (2024-06-12). Putin has Been a Problem for Forty Years? No, It is Joe Biden. sonar21.com I am not surprised anymore when Joe "Alzheimers" Biden drifts off into his imaginary universe, but it is still jarring to witness. Check out the 2: 40 mark in the following video. Biden claims he has known Putin for forty years. I am not a math whiz, but that would mean Senator Biden was meeting a low level newly minted KGB officer in Dresden, Germany. I call bullshit. And how exactly was Putin a problem? He did not come to prominence until Boris Yeltsin tagged Vladimir as his successor. | The latest Biden gaffe is just one more sign that Biden has the mental agility of a wooden horse, and he appears to g…

Charles R. Davis (2024-06-12). Ron Wyden Is Investigating Saudi Support for Jared Kushner's Private Equity Firm. truthout.org Based on his prior experience and demonstrated abilities, Jared Kushner never should have landed a job in the White House. Before joining the Trump administration, Kushner was best known as his father's son — a real estate mogul and disbarred attorney who gifted his child control over the family's portfolio after being convicted of multiple felonies — whose greatest accomplishment was purchasing a… |

Chris Walker (2024-06-12). Many in Trump's Orbit Back Mandatory Military or National Service Conscription. truthout.org Administration officials and allies of former President Donald Trump have suggested that, should he win the 2024 presidential election against President Joe Biden, he should consider implementing a mandatory conscription policy requiring young Americans to "serve" the country in some capacity. Although the idea would allow young people to choose a variety of ways in which they could serve… |

Darreonna Davis (2024-06-12). New Biden Rule Would Ban Medical Debt From Credit Reports. truthout.org Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday announced a new effort to ban medical debt from credit reports, something that would ease a burden that falls most heavily on women and Black people. "Medical debt makes it more difficult for millions of Americans to be approved for a car loan, a home loan or a small business loan, all of which in turn makes it more difficult to just get by… |

Ayurella Horn-Muller (2024-06-12). Biden's Asylum Ban Makes Migrants More Vulnerable Amid Extreme Heat. truthout.org With much of the southwest baking under record temperatures, immigrants' rights advocates worry President Joe Biden's decision to effectively close the border to asylum seekers for the foreseeable future will endanger lives and further marginalize climate-displaced people seeking refuge in the U.S. Their concerns come as a heat dome lingering over Mexico and the southwestern United States has… |

Mike Ludwig (2024-06-12). Trump's Empty Promise to Tipped Workers Won't Provide a Living Wage. truthout.org Advocates for a living wage say Donald Trump's recent pledge to end taxes on tipped income is an empty campaign promise that does little besides expose his naivete about working people and the economy. Economic experts cast doubt on the proposal. However, they say Trump's comments reveal an opening for President Joe Biden and other Democrats who support raising the wage floor and shifting the tax… |

A a (2024-06-12). What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy). strategic-culture.su Above, a map of Ukraine in green, with territory occupied or annexed by Russia in light green to the right — i.e., the eastern Donbas and the Crimean peninsula in the southeast. President Biden vows a fight for democracy, but recent history calls that into question. | By Aaron MATÉ | ‚ùóÔ∏èJoin us on ,…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2024-06-12). The EU Elections: The March of the Right. globalresearch.ca

Peter Bach (2024-06-12). Letter from London: A Barrage of Farage in the Garage of Hellthat. counterpunch.org The bad news over here last week was that former City of London metals trader Nigel Farage chose our very own South East London as his General Election launchpad last week. It was right by the river that he flip-flopped like a frogman into the giant garage-like Glaziers Hall, not just to announce he was

Peter Bach (2024-06-12). Letter from London: A Barrage of Farage in the Garage of Hell. counterpunch.org The bad news over here last week was that former City of London metals trader Nigel Farage chose our very own South East London as his General Election launchpad last week. It was right by the river that he flip-flopped like a frogman into the giant garage-like Glaziers Hall, not just to announce he was

Robert Koehler (2024-06-12). The Lesser Evil Gambit. counterpunch.org The election paradox looms. Do I calm myself down, steady my hand, pull the lever for Joe, even though it feels like voting for Netanyahu? Even though it feels like I'm loosing another bomb on Gaza? I've had a number of intense conversations with friends about this recently, the essence of the pro-Biden argument being: We

Dave DeCamp (2024-06-12). US To Send Another Patriot Missile Battery to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com President Biden has approved the delivery of another Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine, The New York Times reported on Tuesday. The system is being pulled out of Poland and will be the second Patriot battery the US has sent to Ukraine. It could be deployed to the frontlines within the next several days. Germany …

Dave DeCamp (2024-06-12). US, Ukraine To Sign Long-Term Military Deal at G7. news.antiwar.com President Biden and Ukrainian President Voldoomyr Zelensky are expected to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance to Ukraine on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit that begins in Italy on Thursday. According to CNN, the deal will commit the US to 10 years of arming and training the Ukrainian military and …

Democracy Now! (2024-06-12). Democracy Now! 2024-06-12 Wednesday. democracynow.org Democracy Now! Wednesday, June 12, 2024 | Democracy Now! Wednesday, June 12, 2024…

Staff (2024-06-12). Hunter Biden: President's Son Convicted in Federal Gun Case, Faces Tax Evasion Trial Next. democracynow.org A federal jury found Hunter Biden guilty Tuesday of three felony charges for illegally purchasing a gun at a time when he was using drugs, making him the first child of a sitting U.S. president to be found guilty of a crime. "This was a fairly straightforward case," says Ben Schreckinger, reporter for Politico. "Most criminal trials result in convictions. This wasn't an exception." Schreckinger lays out the political implications for President Joe Biden, compares this conviction to Trump's criminal proceedings and explains Hunter Biden's upcoming trial for tax fraud in Ca…

Democracy Now! (2024-06-12). Democracy Now! 2024-06-12 Wednesday. democracynow.org Headlines for June 12, 2024; Sarah Leah Whitson: U.S. Ceasefire Push in Gaza Is Welcome, But "40,000 Dead Palestinians Too Late"; Hunter Biden: President's Son Convicted in Federal Gun Case, Faces Tax Evasion Trial Next; Bananas and Blood: Chiquita Ordered to Pay Colombian Families $38 Million for Backing Death Squads | Headlines for June 12, 2024; Sarah Leah Whitson: U.S. Ceasefire Push in Gaza Is Welcome, But "40,000 Dead Palestinians Too Late"; Hunter Biden: President's Son Convicted in Federal Gun Case, Faces Tax Evasion Trial Next; Bananas and Blood: Chiquita Ordered to Pay…

Staff (2024-06-12). Bananas and Blood: Chiquita Ordered to Pay Colombian Families $38 Million for Backing Death Squads. democracynow.org In a landmark case in Florida, a federal jury has ordered Chiquita Brands International to pay over $38 million in damages to the families of eight Colombian men who were killed by paramilitaries the banana giant funded. Chiquita previously pleaded guilty to paying the far-right United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia paramilitary group, or AUC, $1.7 million from 2001 to 2004. Though Chiquita argued the payments were meant to protect company employees, the AUC has been found responsible for committing mass human rights abuses and murdering civilians from 1997 to 2006. "Chiquita essentially had a partnership…

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2024-06-12). Hunter Biden's Conviction on Firearm Charges Is a Red Herring. "Obstruction of Justice by the FBI". Paul C. Roberts. globalresearch.ca

Angela (2024-06-12). Thursday 6/20: Webinar: How Clinton's Foreign Policy Launched the U.S. Trajectory from Bush II to Biden. indybay.org Online (Registration link is below)…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2024-06-12). City of Folsom official request to align Juneteenth with our US Federal Holiday. indybay.org 27 years ago, NJOF agreed upon this day to commemorate the ending of chattel slavery in America. Juneteenth will forever be a key 1865 Civil War event, a 7-week campaign headquartered at Galveston Island, TX, sealing the US/Mexican border; a plantation-by-plantation enforcement of freedom by United States Colored Troops, nearly 2,000 USCT from California served during the US Civil War…

repost (2024-06-12). Larry Bensky – another side. indybay.org He also led the movement to de-democratize KPFA.

latintimes (2024-06-12). Texas files lawsuit to avoid federal rule requiring states to pay for gender transition care. latintimes.com "This is yet another example of Joe Biden trying to sidestep the Constitution," said state Attorney General Ken Paxton…

latintimes (2024-06-12). Some Venezuelan government allies are starting to drift to the opposition as elections near. latintimes.com Reports have documented different instances in which supposed allies have shown public support of president Maduro's challengers…

latintimes (2024-06-12). UK Economy Stagnates Heading Into General Election. latintimes.com The zero growth in April followed an expansion of 0.4% in March, according to the Office for National Statistics.

Imran Mulla (2024-06-12). UK elections 2024: Palestinian charity CEO standing for Labour faces calls to resign. middleeasteye.net UK elections 2024: Palestinian charity CEO standing for Labour faces calls to resign | Melanie Ward, CEO of Medical Aid for Palestinians, said if she is elected, she will work to bring about change for Palestinians | | Melanie Ward, the CEO of Medical Aid for Palestinians, during an intervie…

Alexandra Jacobo (2024-06-12). Sanders and Omar lead congressional push for Global Wealth Tax as Biden faces crucial decision. nationofchange.org This initiative, led by Brazil, aims to address the glaring disparities in global wealth distribution and strengthen efforts to achieve tax fairness.

Dave McKee (2024-06-12). Canada's new McCarthyism: Searching for foreign interference? Look to the U.S. and NATO. peoplesworld.org Editor's Note: Canadian mainstream media was sent into a frenzy Monday after a report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee, a parliamentary body, alleged that some lawmakers had helped foreign actors—primarily China, and to a lesser extent, India—interfere in political campaigns and party leadership races. The report even claims that some unnamed members of …

John Wojcik (2024-06-12). U.S. decides to supply weapons directly to Ukraine's fascist Azov Battalion. peoplesworld.org Only two weeks ago, the Biden administration lifted its ban on the use of U.S. arms by Ukraine inside of Russia. It also said U.S. troops, under the umbrella of NATO, could even end up directly battling against Russians inside of Ukraine. To add insult to injury this week, the Biden administration has now lifted …

Jamal Rich (2024-06-12). D.C. Council won't consider ceasefire resolution, but Ward 1 Dems are making moves. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—On Tuesday, June 11, the Ward 1 Committee of the D.C. Democratic Party hosted a public roundtable conversation, supported by the D.C. for Ceasefire Now Coalition and the Retirees for Accountability. The event was attended by many community members from the Ward and the broader D.C. community, with a conversation led by Ward 1 D.C. …

Oraily Madruga Rios (2024-06-12). Lasso rules out to be in 2025 general elections in Ecuador. plenglish.com Quito, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador's former President Guillermo Lasso (2021-2023) posted Wednesday on X to rule out his participation as a candidate in the 2025 general elections.

Pavel López Lazo (2024-06-12). Documentary on illegality of U.S. blockade screened in Cuba. plenglish.com Havana, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) The documentary Culpables (Guilties), a reflection of the International Tribunal against the U.S. blockade of Cuba, which was held at the European Parliament, was screened on Wednesday at the Fidel Castro Center in Havana.

presstv.ir (2024-06-12). Germany's far-right AFD leaders cheer as exit polls published. presstv.ir The far-right Alternative for Germany made solid gains and take second place in EU election.

presstv.ir (2024-06-12). Iranians abroad can vote in 250 polling stations. presstv.ir Iran's election headquarters says Iranians living abroad can cast their ballots in the country's upcoming presidential election in more than 200 polling stations.

presstv.ir (2024-06-12). Spanish farmers head towards French border to protest ahead of EU elections. presstv.ir Spanish farmers were headed towards the French border where they planned to block roads in protest ahead of the European election.

presstv.ir (2024-06-12). Jalili: Iran at historical juncture, opportunities must be used to achieve progress. presstv.ir Saeed Jalili said the country should use its many opportunities to solve its problems and achieve progress.

SAM (2024-06-12). If Trump Can Be Convicted, So Can Big Oil. progressivehub.net EMILY ATKIN | HEATED…

Ryan Black (2024-06-12). Academia Is Only As Free As Powerful Donors Allow It To Be. progressivehub.net JONATHAN COOK | JONATHAN COOK BLOG…

A A (2024-06-12). Biden and other Western leaders could face war crimes prosecution over Gaza and Ukraine. strategic-culture.su ‚ùóÔ∏èJoin us on , , and . | Contact us: | US President Joe Biden and European leaders are liable for war cr…

WSWS (2024-06-12). Delaware jury finds Hunter Biden guilty on all 3 felony counts. wsws.org The younger Biden was found guilty of lying on a gun application and to a federally licensed gun dealer about his drug use and illegally possessing a gun while addicted to drugs in October of 2018.

WSWS (2024-06-12). Macron dissolves parliament: French imperialism marches to war and dictatorship. wsws.org Among workers and youth, there is broad and growing anger over Macron's reaction to the far right gains in the European elections, which hands political initiative to the far right.

The Independent (2024-06-12). Acana: Planned election of new Acholi Paramount Chief illegal. independent.co.ug Gulu, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | The Acholi Paramount Chief David Onen Acana II has broken his silence on the planned move by a section of rival chiefs to hold an election for a new traditional leader of the Acholi cultural institution describing the idea as illegal. Last week, a section of a breakaway faction of …

Wayne Parry (2024-06-12). Jersey Shore cops, pols want to hold parents responsible for kids' rowdy actions after melees. whyy.org Parents should be held civilly or criminally responsible for the actions of their children that create disturbances or damage in public places, a group of New Jersey police chiefs and Republican lawmakers said Wednesday during a forum held after a second consecutive year of disturbances at some Jersey Shore boardwalks over Memorial Day weekend. | The disturbances included the stabbing of a teenager in Ocean City, and waves of unruly young people that prompted the city of Wildwood to shut down its boardwalk overnight. | The panel consisted solely of Republican state and local legislators, whose party has blamed

theonion (2024-06-12). SATIRE: Biden Reveals He's Delta Force Operative Robert Scott Investigating Major Government Cover-Up. theonion.com WASHINGTON—Drawing stunned gasps from onlookers as he donned his signature eye patch and leather jacket, the man once known as President Joe Biden revealed Wednesday that he is, in fact, Delta Force operative Captain Robert Scott, on a mission since 1973 to investigate a major government cover-up. "Ladies and…

aljazeera (2024-06-12). Denmark says Korean instant noodles too spicy to eat safely. aljazeera.com Danish Veterinary and Food Administration recalls Samyang instant noodles over 'acute poisoning' risk.

Guest Blogger (2024-06-12). Exit the UN Climate Treaty—Again! wattsupwiththat.com The reasons for a US withdrawal were given seven years ago this month by President Trump. The logic holds with ever more reason.

WHYY (2024-06-12). How to write an advice column, medical debt on credit report, Father's Day. whyy.org President Biden proposes dropping medical debt from credit reports. What it could mean for consumers and the economy? Sarah Kliff from the New York Times joins us. |
| Are you good at giving advice? We're talking to R. Eric Thomas, who will have to answer people's questions about coworker conflicts, wedding drama, pet etiquette and more in his new national advice column. |
| "Grown Up Dad"

UMMID (2024-06-12). Odisha's 1st Muslim Woman MLA Sofia Firdous's Rich Profile Makes Wave. ummid.com Newly elected Congress MLA in Odisha, Sofia Firdous, is making headlines after winning the recently concluded Assembly Elections from the Barabati-Cuttack seat to become first ever Muslim woman MLA of the state…

A A (2024-06-12). China springs a BRI surprise on U.S. strategic-culture.su The report of the death of China's Belt and Road Initiative [BRI] was an exaggeration, after all. Within days of the US President Joe Biden's acerbic remark during an interview last week with the Time magazine that the BRI has "become a nuisance graveyard initiative," a trilateral intergovernmental agreement to commence construction work on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan [CKU] railway project was signed in Beijing on Thursday.

The Canary (2024-06-12). TUSC is standing FORTY general election candidates in July. thecanary.co Nominations have closed, and it is now confirmed that 40 candidates will stand on behalf of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) on 4 July in the general election. TUSC: rebuilding working class representation at the general election TUSC is a coalition of trade unionists, anti-war protestors, community activists, environmental campaigners, and socialists from […] | By

aljazeera (2024-06-12). Can Trump rein in his own base on abortion? aljazeera.com Trump has egged on extremists whose anti-abortion stance has mobilised voters against him.

Staff (2024-06-12). Reform candidate accidentally reveals just how PREPOSTEROUS Nigel Farage's party is. thecanary.co The general election campaign kerfuffle continues in full swing, and a flashy new three-word political slogan may have just dropped. One 'high-calibre' MP candidate all but belted out what could be the UK's next big tryptic in a media interview: "stop the planes" anyone? Unfortunately, the said candidate wasn't referring to halting the racist Rwanda …

aljazeera (2024-06-12). Macron urges moderates to unite against 'extremism' in French snap election. aljazeera.com French leader slams 'unnatural alliances' on left and right and calls for unity among democratic forces.

Steve Topple (2024-06-12). A video of Keir Starmer has emerged from 2019 that should finish his campaign off. thecanary.co A video of Keir Starmer from 2019 is doing the rounds again. It comes after claims he made on Sky News to the public — and exposes the Labour Party leader for the charlatan that he is. If anything, it displays that the public cannot trust him — and that they should remember that when […] | By

Staff (2024-06-12). Far-right EU elections result is a surprise only to centrists and liberals. thecanary.co The far right made huge gains in EU elections over the weekend. So much so, that French president Emmanuel Macron has called snap legislative polls in a high-risk move. Though centrist mainstream parties kept an overall majority in the European Parliament, across the bloc extreme right parties notched a string of high-profile wins. They finished …

Janine (2024-06-12). South Africa's Constitution charts our way. sanews.gov.za South Africa's Constitution charts our way | By Michael Currin | South Africa recently concluded its seventh democratic general elections, ushering in a new chapter in our democracy, as there was no outright majority winner. While this may in some regards feel like unchartered waters for many South Africans and will require political parties to work together in a new way through a government of national unity, this is not entirely new territory for our nation. Above all, this period will be guided by our world acclaimed Constitution, which lays the foundation for a democratic and open society in which government…

noemail (2024-06-12). Nation Divided: Trump's Conviction Sparks Mixed Reactions Across U.S. devdiscourse.com Amid a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Centre for Public Affairs Research, nearly half of U.S. adults approve of Donald Trump's recent felony conviction. This verdict unveils both potential vulnerabilities and resilience within Trump's support as he vies to be the first American with a felony record running for presidency.

Claudia Lauer, Alanna Durkin Richer (2024-06-12). What's next for Hunter Biden after his conviction on federal gun charges. whyy.org Hunter Biden's legal woes are not over after his conviction on Now, President Joe Biden's son faces sentencing, and another criminal trial

Wayne Parry (2024-06-12). Trump's company: New Jersey golf club liquor license probe doesn't apply to ex-president. whyy.org Former president Donald Trump is not the holder of liquor licenses at his three New Jersey golf clubs, his company said Tuesday in response to The Trump Organization issued a statement Tuesday saying the former president is not an officer or director of any entity that holds a liquor license in New Jersey, or anywhere in the United States. | The state Attorney General's offic…

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-12). Safety in Haiti Remains a Long Way off. hrw.org Click to expand Image | People gather in front of the San Francisco Federal Building to protest the Biden administration's handling of the Haitian refugee crisis in San Francisco, California, US, September 24, 2021. | © 2021 Yichuan Cao/Sipa USA via AP Photo…

UMMID (2024-06-12). Parliament's 1st session after 2024 LS elections from June 24. ummid.com Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju Wednesday said the first session of the 18th Lok Sabha will be from June 24, 2024.

The Independent (2024-06-12). Hunter Biden found guilty on three felony gun charges. independent.co.ug WASHINGTON | Xinhua | A jury of 12 members in the U.S. state of Delaware on Tuesday found Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, guilty of three federal gun charges, marking the first time a sitting president's child has been criminally convicted. The felony charges accused the 54-year-old Hunter Biden of lying about his …

aljazeera (2024-06-12). French conservatives remove leader Eric Ciotti for backing Le Pen pact. aljazeera.com The move comes as President Emmanuel Macron seeks alliance against France's far right before upcoming elections.

aljazeera (2024-06-12). Hunter Biden convicted on gun charges: Will he go to jail? aljazeera.com Sentencing to happen at latest by October 9, about a month before his father, US President Joe Biden, seeks re-election.

Dr Julia Grace Patterson (2024-06-12). We must not let politicians kick the NHS around like a privatisation football. thecanary.co The general election is approaching fast, and as we get closer to polling day it's clear that the NHS is a very hot topic for voters — with politicians from all sides making promises. Ipsos Mori recently carried out polling which showed that the NHS is the number one issue of concern to the public. […] | By

Associated Press (2024-06-12). Jerry West, a 3-time Hall of Fame selection and the inspiration for the NBA logo, dies at 86. whyy.org Jerry West, who was selected to the Basketball Hall of Fame three times in a storied career as a player and executive, and whose silhouette is considered to be the basis of the NBA logo, died Wednesday morning, the Los Angeles Clippers announced. | He was 86. | West, nicknamed "Mr. Clutch" for his late-game exploits as a player, was an NBA champion who went into the Hall of Fame as a player in 1980 and again as a member of the gold medal-winning 1960 U.S. Olympic Team in 2010. He will be enshrined for a third time later this year as a contributor. | West was "the personification of basketball excellence and a fri…

Human Rights Watch (2024-06-12). Peru: Congress Ramps Up Assault on Democratic System. hrw.org Click to expand Image | Constitutional Committee of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, in Lima, June 5, 2024. | © 2024 Congress of the Republic of Peru. | (Washington, DC) — Peru's Congress is accelerating steps that undermine judicial independence, restrict civic space, and hinder investigations into organized crime and human rights violations ahead of the end of the legislative session on June 15, 2024, Human Rights Watch said today. Members of the Organization of American States (OAS) should discuss the situation in Peru during the organization's general assembly in Paraguay in late June.Durin…

Sebastiana Romero (2024-06-12). Exhiben en Cuba documental sobre ilegalidad de bloqueo de EE.UU. radiohc.cu La Habana, 12 jun (RHC) El documental Culpables, reflejo del Tribunal Internacional contra el bloqueo a Cuba, que sesionó en el Parlamento Europeo, tuvo hoy su premier en el Centro Fidel Castro, de esta capital.

teleSUR, JGN (2024-06-12). Comunidad internacional saluda victoria de Sheinbaum en México. telesurtv.net Xiomara Castro dijo que acordó con Sheinbaum "trabajar juntas por la unidad de Latinoamérica y el Caribe".

teleSUR, odr, SH (2024-06-12). Autoridades dominicanas colocan a 25 provincias en alerta verde. telesurtv.net El COE aumenta 14 provincias y al Distrito Nacional en alerta amarilla debido a una masa de aire húmeda dejada por una onda tropical en el país caribeño.

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